Friday, October 12, 2012


detailing the new tombstones I purchased at the Mid-West Haunters Convention this year.

Now I feel a little guilty that I bought them from WoodLoom , but when you have a full time job, a wife and two kids….Your limited to your time.

WoodLoom engraved the lettering and carved out the shapes of the tombstones, but I had to age them with the cracks and paint them.
I think they turned out pretty good; I can’t wait to add them to my cemetery!!!

Monday, October 8, 2012


come alive once I start setting up my fencing and pillars. Everyone in the neighborhood seems to know that Halloween is fast approaching when we start building our Haunt!!!

It gives me such pleasure to know that so many people in our community look forward to our annual event.


But best part of all...Donations raised go towards children undergoing treatment at Sick Kids Hospital. Since they can’t leave the hospital, a portion of our fund provides these kids with costumes and Halloween candy to encourage the holiday spirit.