Sunday, November 29, 2009


CityTV & Rogers Pumpkin Patrol team up this Halloween to created a contest in the GTA for the Best Decorated Halloween House. The winner would receive a $500.00 cheque for the charity of their choice and would be featured on-air on CityNews @ 6:00 pm on Halloween night.

So my family and I decided to enter my home haunt into the contest. I was the first house to be featured on CityNews at 6:00 PM on Monday October 26th, 2009 with Michael Kuss.

I continued to watch the other entries religiously throughout the week, and was convinced that I lost because I was competing against other creative home haunters. To my surprise I received a call late on Friday night, informing me that I had won the contest.

I was so excited to be able to donate the $500.00 to Sick Kids Hospital along with all the other cash donations we received during the last week of October. But more importantly it's rewarding to receive the recognition for all the hard work that went into creating this home haunt every year for the community to enjoy.

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